How to Start a Blog in 5 Minutes
First, you’ll need your own domain name.
(This is also called the “URL,” or web address.)
You’ll also need “hosting” for your blog. Hosting is simply your blog’s home on the Internet.

Step 1: Register Your Domain
You first need to brainstorm what you want to call your blog.
I ran through a bunch of possible names before I settled on “Afford Anything.”

Step 2: Set up Your Hosting Account
On this page, you’ll fill out your account and personal information.

Step 3: Install WordPress / and Cms Platform to esay to use.
Give yourself permission to feel a little giddy right now.
You’re about to become a blogger! This is what you’ve always wanted, right?

Step 4: Set up WordPress
Okay, so WordPress is installed.
It’s time to get a beautiful “theme” (that’s blogging-speak for ‘design’) for your blog.

Step 5: Set up the Blog
It’s time to put the finishing touches on your blog.
You should be on this page now.

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